Designer furniture, lamps, unique hotel accessories and interior decorations directly from designers.
Theska Hoteleinrichtung stands for high-quality furniture and interior design. Our designers develop room concepts, furniture, lamps and decorative elements for hotel and catering areas.
Thanks to our many years of experience, we create functional and comfortable hotel interiors. The combination of traditional production with modern thinking makes it possible to create new standards in hotels and catering.
Theska Hoteleinrichtung stands for the highest quality and offers you excellent service.
We design emotional and functional rooms with atmosphere for hoteliers and restaurateurs. Every hotel is individual. That’s why we are happy to talk about your needs and analyze your options so that your hotel can be successful. Between technical know-how and years of experience, we advise you comprehensively.
In-house production with optimized production processes enables individual production of hotel furnishings. Individual hotel room furnishings from our own production. Hotel rooms, furnishings and equipment from a single source.
Functional and practical furniture and lamps made to measure. Our team assembles exclusive and individual hotel furnishings. We take care of the interior design according to the prepared plan.
Production from a limited number of units, also according to individual designs. Upholstery optionally with fabric already provided by the customer or designer. On-site delivery service and on-site assembly. Traditional and box spring bed frames with standard and custom-made headboards. Bonell and pocket springs with removable, washable covers or upholstered versions.
We produce furniture from our standard range, but also furniture according to individual design. We manufacture our furniture with our own joinery and upholstery workshop. We can dye any piece of furniture in any color and give it any shape and size.
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The company’s history
Wir freuen uns Ihnen mitteilen zu können dass wir offizieller Sponsor des Wildparks in Gersfeld (Rhön) geworden sind. Im Rahmen unserer Partnerschafts- und SVU-Aktivitäten werden wir uns um eine Schneeeule kümmern.
Theskastore Hoteleinrichtung ist ein Unternehmen das dem Umweltschutz große Bedeutung beimisst. Alle hergestellten Möbel, Leuchten und Accessoires erfüllen die höchsten europäischen Standards. Die gesamte Produktion erfolgt in Polen. Alle Produkte werden unter Berücksichtigung der Umwelt hergestellt (Abfallminimierung, Verwendung nur ungiftiger natürlicher Materialien, hochwertige Produkte, die von erfahrenen Handwerkern hergestellt werden). Wir wollen das lokale Geschäft unterstützen und gleichzeitig die natürliche Umwelt schützen.
- Theskastore Hoteleinrichtung ist ein Anbieter von schönen und einzigartigen Möbeln, Lampen und Dekorationen für Hotels, Restaurants und Büros.Theska GmbH
Wallweg 14
D-36043 Fulda, Germany
tel: +49 1515 077 6578
Based on our many years of experience, we can help our customers create a comfortable and functional hotel interior. We offer designer furniture, upholstered furniture and lamps for hotels and restaurants, shops and apartments.
© Copyright 2024 Theska GmbH